Sunday, May 23, 2010

A capital workout

Tuesday May 18th. Today the older gang did their natural intervals and core around the parliament buildings in Ottawa. The workout consisted of tempo running on the flats and hammering some surprising large hills in downtown Ottawa.

    The crew warming up by the canal        

  Michelle leading the girls up some serious stairs on the backside of parliament hill.

 Leslie So and Kirstin in hot pursuit.

  Off in the distance Alana is pushing the pace. This bike path is on the other side of the canal from parliament hill. Just around the corner is an awfully nasty uphill leading to the national art gallery.

20 seconds post workout. Smiles abound.

The boys cooling down.

The war memorial (found on the loonie at times) makes a cameo as the backdrop to our cool down.

Workout ended with some core on the lawn.

Patrick loooves core.

Practice over. Grass is as good as any bed.

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