Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bike path twists and turns

Saturday June 20th, Gatineau Bikepath: For some reason when constructing the extension of Boulevard Allumenttieres engineers thought that it would be too dangerous for cyclist (and rollerskiers) to stop and look both ways before crossing a single lane off ramp. To eliminate any potencial cyclist-car interaction they built a series of bike path tunnels and over passes in a twisty pretzle maze beside the road. Although completely unnecessary, this bike path pretzel does make for an awesome sprint loop for practicing rollerski cornering and agility. Today we did some short intervals around these turns.

Leif and Steffan powering up a hill.

Do and Gui round the bend.

So fast they need to be fenced in.

Nansen was killing it today. Zeke does not like to be humbled.

Noemi throwing down her best workout in months.

Birds eye view of Alana.

These girls know how to corner...hips and hands high, leaning to the inside.

Gui finishing his last interval....

...and blowing out a birthday cake.

 That's a big steel bridge!

Riel really wanted to be in the blog today, so he posed for this shot. He's not skiing, just standing on one foot pretending to ski. Pretty hardcore...

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