Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Parkway

May 30,  P8 Gatineau Park: Today was our first team practice on the Gatineau parkway loop. The parkway is closed to vehicle traffic every Sunday morning and becomes a haven for cyclists and rollerskiers. This practice is one of the staples of Nakkertok training and we have being dutifully meeting at P8 at 8:00am in the summer for years. For those who aren't familiar with the Gatineau loop, it is 21 km long (but can be 5-10km longer if you add various out and back extensions) and contains many significant uphill and downhills.  Today's workout involved skiing the loop and double poling all the uphills, followed by skiwalking intervals up Camp Fortune ski hill.

The Boys starting out their ski.

Uphill double poling. Some of these hills take 10min to climb.

Phil: Double pole/upperbody done. Legs/skiwalking still to go.

 Colin and Thomas striding up the DH mountain bike trails at Fortune.

Chris and the SJ's charging it.

This is the DH race course. People crash here often.

Blue tank top and black shorts are our official summer workout attire.

The water bottle drop, a common sight for hill repeat intervals.

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