Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A secret trail

Sunday June 20, Camp Fortune: Today all of my pictures from rollerskiing didn't turn out too well. I did however manage to get a few shots of the girls hiking up one of the many secret trails in Gatineau Park. This particular trail stars on Meech Lake road just before you reach the skyline lodge of Camp Fortune. It is marked with a bamboo stick at the trail head. From the road it climbs straight uphill until you reach the end of skyline trail (trail # 6). It's a cool little short cut to get you onto the fun trails if you happen to be starting from the P8 parking lot.

Charlotte leads the girls up the first pitch of the trail.

Emilie (second from the right) finds this trail much harder than everyone else.

Katherine. She doesn't like pictures of her exercising, so this was the compromise. And by compromise I mean me taking a photo of her when she wasn't looking.

It's very green in the park these days.

Coach Luc loves Gatineau trails!

The big bald rock means you've reached the top.

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